Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Final Loaf

It was with much emotion and gratitude that I baked this morning, knowing that it was my last early morning at Holuakoa Cafe.  It has been such an amazing journey these past 3 1/2 years working here.  Today was my last Farmers' I had a table filled with treats and breads for all to partake in.  I just can't seem to ever make enough Morning Buns or Pain Au Chocolate though....they all sold out by 9 AM (and that's when we open) so I guess the saying "The early bird gets the worm" rings true!

For all of the people whom I have met through the years, a big MAHALO for continuing to support us and showing up week after week with an empty bag (and stomach) ready for filling.  

For fun, and just out of curiosity, I thought I would make a list of approximately how many cookies, scones and treats I have made over the years here at the Gardens.   Here it goes:

Scones: 13,104 (made at least 6 dozen a week)
Cookies: 38,000 (made about 18 dozen a week)
Cheesecakes: 728 (made 4 a week)
Chocolate Tortes: 546 (made 3 a week)
Baguettes: 5,824 (made 32 a week)
Rolls: 10,920 (made 5 dozen a week)

Not to mention Holidays, Weddings, Special Events.....etc.  No wonder my arms are always tired!  

On that note, a big thank you to everyone I have had the pleasure of working with.  I will miss you all so much but I  know that we will keep in touch and meet up again.  And now that I have this blog, it's as easy as getting online.  So, until next time.....Aloha and Happy Baking!

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Substitute

Did you ever have one of those days where you just don't seem to have what you need?  Or what you thought was an unopened box of, say baking powder, turned out to be a vacation getaway spot for some bugs? I know that we all, at one point or another, have feared the idea of substituting ingredients while baking (much like Mrs. Henderson feared being called in to sub during the last week of school).  One wrong move and your breads will taste bitter, your loaves will fall flat and your scones will end up as door stops.
Well, be afraid no more!  I found myself this morning running out of a few odds and ends.  Although it's best to not have to substitute, life just doesn't work that way sometimes.  Here are a few common ways to substitute for certain ingredients.

For 1 cup of Buttermilk:  Take 1 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and place in cup measure.  Add enough milk to make 1 cup.  Let it stand for a few minutes and voila!  A thicker, sour treat to add some punch.

For 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder:  Use 1/4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar.  OR you can try 1/4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/2 cup buttermilk.  (Just remember to reduce the amount of liquid in the original recipe by 1/2 cup or else you will end up with a soggy mess.)

For 1 cup of Corn Syrup: (I will admit....I am not a huge fan of corn syrup, but sometimes you just have to use it.  I don't usually have it on hand, so this works quite well in place of the real thing)  Take 1 1/4 cups packed brown sugar and mix in 1/4 of liquid (whatever is called for in the recipe).

Yeast:  Some recipes seem to go between one packet, one cube, one spoon, blah blah blah....  Here is an easy way to look at that.  1 packet of yeast is equal to: 1/4 ounce of dry yeast OR a bit less than 1 Tablespoon of dry yeast OR one cake of fresh yeast (which is .06 ounces).

So there you have it.....a few simple ways to keep making the magic in the event of what could have been a disaster.

Just one thing though....please don't throw paper airplanes at these substitutes.  And try not to stick anything on their backs.  Play nice and they will in turn be kind to you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is your bread not rising to the occasion?

Here it first entry, made from scratch.  How exciting to finally have a place to share thoughts, ideas, pictures and of course, anything related to baking!  Who knows where this journey will take me, but thanks for coming along for the ride!  Feel free to send me any questions you may have.  Enjoy!

Last Farmer's Market Day

Hawaii Friends! This Saturday is my last Farmer's Market Day at Holuakoa Cafe. If you are in the neighborhood stop by. I'll have some yummy treats like Morning Buns, Pain Au Chocolate, Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread, Focaccia, Scones, Cookies, Mana Bars and Baguettes. Fresh from the oven!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bake me a Cake

Spring Dessert Menu has arrived at Holuakoa latest creation: Steamed Meyer Lemom Pudding Cake, Sweet Basil Ice Cream, Blueberry Keffir Compote, and Walnut Lace.

 Ballerina Barbie Cake
 Honu (Hawaiian Sea Turtle) Cake
 Yee-Haw! Howdy Partner Cake
 Yippie Kay Yay Yea....get along little doggie

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Go Nuts...

For Donuts

Maple Glazed Bacon Apple Donuts